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An idiot's guide to The Game

		Please note that this is only a brief summary of all the 
	rules. This guide was written by Corki and is to be used only once
	the lessons have been completed. To go to the lessons please click here.

Rolling a 0
If you roll a 0 in any of the following categories, this is what you do:

  • Speed: You drop your weapon for your next turn. For the next
    round, until you retrieve your weapon, your ACC is 1 and
    your damage is STR

  • Strength: You take a full hit from your opponent, in other words
    B + WS max.

  • Accuracy You hit yourself, so you receive the Base damage of your weapon.

  • Weapon Score If you hit, you only score Base damage.

    Have I hit? / Have I been hit by my opponent?
  • Attacking ACC vs SPD: a) ACC greater than SPD (HIT) b) ACC equal to SPD (MISS) c) ACC less than SPD (MISS)
  • Soaking Damage WS vs STR:a) WS greater than STR (FULL DAMAGE) b) WS equal to STR (HALF DAMAGE) c) WS less than STR (HALF DAMAGE)
		Full Damage = B + WS rolled.
Half Damage = (B + WS rolled) / 2
When calculating half damage the calculation is rounded down.
Armour Reduction (AR- type) is removed after the damage is halved.
All content provided by BotRH. Web design by Darragh O'Brien, game design by Canis Rufus.©All rights reserved